Back Pain Classes
Event Date:
January 1, 1970
Event Time:
12:00 am
Event Location:
Online - Zoom
83% of people have back pain (at some point in their lives) – the other 17% don’t have a computer!
Has your back locked down this lockdown?
A lot of us are working from home and not necessarily with the right set up.
If your back is beginning to trouble you – don’t ignore it. before you know it, your pain can become your master, it will tell you where you can go, what you can do and how long you can do it for.
This tends to lead us to move less, so our muscles become tighter, causing more pain.
I see a lot of people for chronic lower back pain. In my experience the majority of this pain is coming from tight hamstrings and calfs. (unless it’s structural i.e. bulging or eroded discs)
From an esoteric perspective, the spine is used to mean support, it’s crucial to our intellect, morals, forbearance and capability.
Don’t we call people with low morals or principles – spineless or refer to people behaving without integrity – as having no back bone?
Even the ancient scriptures refer to the spine and its contribution to higher states of mind and its connection to the ‘super consciousness’ pain is really not welcome when we’re trying to be the best version of our selves.
Start 22nd April – every Thursday going forward
7:00pm – 8:15pm
Price £15 for drop in
Set of five for £50
You will ideally need two yoga blocks, a yoga belt and a bolster to have the best experience – contact me if you need help ordering these props